Tuesday, April 5, 2011

action and prayer

Last night, I spent the evening in the top floor of a bar.  Why?

Don't listen when people tell you that your one voice can't make a difference.  Who are we to tell God that He can't work through us?  Because guess what.  He has and He will.  He wants to.  But if we just sit on our butts and do nothing, then nothing will happen.  But, if we act, then things can change.  When we write letters, go to lobby meetings, PRAY, or whatever it is that you do, it can make a difference.  It has in the past and it will continue.  

Last night reminded me of that.  More importantly, it reminded me that we can't do this on our own.  People like to think that there's all this good in humanity and we can bring about peace and justice all on our own.  We can't.  But God can.  I do these things because He has broken my heart.  I do these things because I want people to have the chance to experience His love.  

We have to do this for Him.  It's not for us.  It's not because of us.  It's for Him and because of Him.

So, go do something and go pray.  Prayer is awesome.  Last night, I was given the opportunity to pray over Brian (the Resolve guy on the tour who has been in contact with Project Okello all year).  Well, maybe given the opportunity isn't the right way to phrase that.  Before we left, I told him that I felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to pray over him.  A little crazy.  But, so awesome.  Spirit-filled prayer in the middle of a hippie (legit hippie...) coffee shop in the south hills?  YES PLEASE.  I definitely think that prayer is just the most incredible thing in the world.  I don't really know if it had an impact.  But, I know it's what God wanted me to do, so I trust that it did or will make a difference somehow.

Back to doing something.  If the LRA stuff isn't something you have a burden for, that's fine.  I mean, obviously I think you should care about it because I think it's really important.  But, God uses different people for different things.  Whatever He breaks your heart for, go after it.  Go be an advocate.

And check out this sweet shirt that I got last night. :)

Oh.  and big shout-out to Alena who drove us there in the monsoon.  You're pretty great and I'm glad that we got to spend eight hours together yesterday.

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