Friday, January 28, 2011

What would you do?

If you were free to do anything you liked – and all resources were available – what would you wish to do most?
That is a question on an application for a summer discipleship program I'm considering.  I haven't started the application yet, but I have thought quite a bit about that question.

To find the answer, go to this blog.  As I just read that post, I realized that is what I would wish to do most.  Can you imagine having an entire village call you Mommy (or Daddy)?  Wow.  A couple of my campers this summer often tried to call me Mommy even though I would tell them they needed to call me Ms. Katy.  One made me a little card that says "Miss Mom" and "Miss Mommy"  all over it.  Another clung to me and said, "Ms. Katy, wouldn't it be nice if we could be together forever?  I could go to college with you and you can adopt me and be my Mommy forever.  Can you do that?  You could be my Mommy forever."  Yes, Jada, I would absolutely LOVE to do that.  I would love to be your Mommy forever and ever.  I would love to show you the way a Mommy should love her daughter.  I wish that I could go down to Pittsburgh right now and bring you back to my apartment and I'd be your mommy forever.  Sadly, I can't.  Jada has a family.  Not a good one, but legally, she has one.  And I don't have the money to adopt her.  But if I were free to do anything I liked and had all of the resources necessary, nothing could stop me from skipping my next class and driving down to Pittsburgh right now and getting that beautiful little girl.  What would you do?  Seriously, what would you do?  I want to know. :)

Here's a picture of my Jadaboo and me right after she asked me to be her Mommy.  Thankfully, I was wearing sunglasses, so she couldn't see the tears...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Heaven and Earth

Earlier this week, I finally bought Phil Wickham's last CD, Heaven and Earth, on Amazon.  Speaking of which, the download was supposed to be $7.99...but for some reason they only charged me $2.99! :)  Maybe it's because I had serious issues downloading it and had to call their help desk and talk to them for forty minutes.  haha

Anyway, I've been listening to it basically nonstop since and absolutely love it.  Why?  Because it's all about Heaven!!!! :)  What could be better?  Well, actually being in heaven, of course.  Personally, I CANNOT WAIT for that day!  Often times, I talk to people who mention how they want to go to Heaven, but not yet.  They want to live here on earth for a few more years so that they can get married and have kids.  They want an earthly family and a good job.  After eighty years of the American dream, then heaven would be a nice place to go because there's no pain or suffering and everything is perfect.

But, as Christians, should that really be our view?  Shouldn't we be yearning for Heaven, incredibly excited for that day when our relationship with Christ is complete and we will enter in as His bride?  I certainly think so.  Heaven isn't supposed to be a nice place for an eternity of retirement.  It isn't supposed to be where we go after we've lived for ourselves here on Earth.  Think about how God must feel when that is what His children desire.  I can't even begin to imagine how much that must hurt Him to know that His kids, the ones that He loves more than anything else, simply want to go to Heaven because it's a nice place and they don't want to go to Hell...but they don't want to go too soon.  Ouch.

Recently, I feel like I've really begun to understand what Paul meant in Philippians 1:21-26.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me.
I am truly torn.  I long to be with my Savior forever, uninterrupted by the worries and responsibilities of this life.  I desire that more than anything else.  Yet, I know He doesn't want me there yet.  He wants me here.  My relationship with Him has SO much room for growth here and there are so many people that don't know of the Incredible Love that I have.  So many children that have never felt the love of a human, much less the unconditional, amazing love of God.  So many hurting and broken college students that need Him more than anything.  So many women that have built up walls to keep out the pain and He is longing to tear them down.

This quote by Jackie Pullinger is so true.
I lack nothing. I have everything -- everything I want in Christ. But that's not true for the world. There are millions and millions and millions of people who lack. They don't know those words about the Lord who feeds hungry people. Nobody ever told them that oppressed people could be freed. They live believing that corruption is the norm. They pay people back with what they've been paid -- whether it's bad words or injustice or blows or beatings. That's what most of them know. For these people I have no excuse, for these you have no excuse. If you will not reach them with the love of God, if you will not tell them that there is a God who loves them -- loves them enough to die to make them whole -- who will? That's why He's allowed us to remain here. So that we can take His ministry to them. It's a job that the angels longed to do. But he left it to you and me. Not just the responsibility -- but the joy, the privilege of sharing good news. 
It is truly a joy and a privilege to share the love of Christ with those who don't know it.  Or those who have heard, but haven't been changed by it.

Yet, at the same time, I know that my greatest joy will continue to be Christ and the hope of one day being with Him in Heaven.  I wish it was today.  I long for it, desire it more than anything this world could possibly offer me.  Do you?

Phil Wickham's "Heaven Song" is truly my heart's song today.

You wrote a letter and You signed your name
I read every word of it page by page
You said that You'd be coming, coming for me soon
Oh my God I'll be ready for You

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing my heaven song

I hear Your voice and I catch my breath
'Well done my child, enter in and rest'
Tears of joy roll down my cheek
It's beautiful beyond my wildest dreams

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing...

I want to run on greener pastures
I want to dance on higher hills
I want to drink from sweeter waters
In the misty morning chill
And my soul is getting restless
For the place where I belong
I can't wait to join the angels and sing
No, I can't wait to join the angels and sing my heaven song

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thanks, Jesus.

Relationships with other strong Christians who encourage you in your faith are such a blessing from God.  Seriously.  This year, God has brought some wonderful people into my life and deepened so many of my already existing friendships.  I've really begun to understand what God-centered friendships are and let me just say that they are AWESOME.  If you don't have relationships like that in your life, pray for them.  Ask God to give you relationships that center around Him and His work in your lives.  I'm sure that He is longing to give you that.  And when you're open to making it happen and really being honest with people about your struggles and what Christ is doing in your's just great. :)

Thanks, Jesus.  You're the best!