One of the things I am learning about this summer and challenging myself in is creativity for God. He loves creativity. In the form of words, music, photography, paintings, dance, however you choose to express Your love for Him. I often shy away from creativity because I am too self-conscious and too much of a perfectionist. Yet, in reality, it doesn't matter if what I create for Him is beautiful to others. It is to show my love and worship to my God. But, at the same time, I need to be willing to share with others. Share what I create for Him because it just might help others see and experience His immense love. That is something else I am learning, being vulnerable in front of others so that He can be given glory. So, here is a poem that I just wrote for my Daddy (note: I have never written a poem that wasn't a class assignment, so it doesn't follow any sort of poetic form or anything like that.) and a picture of a little bit of cheer that I put in our kitchen as an act of worship. Yes, it is for us to enjoy, but mostly, for my Father to take delight in. It is also to serve as a reminder of His love for us and our love for Him.
My love offering
The blades of grass
blowing gently in the breeze,
the many birds overhead
singing melodies
and harmonies.
tweeting. cawing.
bringing Your love to me.
This is Your gift
of love for us.
You say, "Enjoy."
You say, "Delight."
The beauty around,
so great and pure.
This is for me.

I give it back.
I make a bouquet
of leaves.
My love offering
to You.
Place them in a
jar filled with water.
My love offering
to You.
But it doesn't compare
to what You have given me.
Mine -- three jars of leaves.
Yours -- flowers, grass, trees,
Your gift is greater,
but here is mine.
My love for You.
I say, "Enjoy."
I say, "Delight."
My love offering
to You.
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