Friday, February 25, 2011

blogging = FREE STUFF

Today, I learned a new wonderful thing about blogging.  Beautiful things for FREE! :)

Danielle, who blogs over at take heart, had a giveaway.  and I won a beautiful little print from the etsy shop in His grace.  WOOHOOOOO! :)  Special thanks to the most amazing sister-in-law EVER for sharing something from Danielle's blog a few weeks ago!  Megan, I love you mucho.  and I still would even if I didn't win lovely little things because of you. :)

So, yes.  Today is a cause for celebration.  blogging = great for very poor college students!

Side note: I'M GOING TO NEW YORK CITY TOMORROW!  and I'm just a little bit excited about that.  I'm also going to see my first ever broadway show.  yippeeee!

Second side note: the dreads are gone.  that's right, my three beautiful little dreads are no more. :(  I miss them already.  Here is a picture of me at midnight last night.  right before I said adios amigos.  (the deer in the headlights look is really sweet, I know.  I blame it on my distress.)

1 comment:

  1. hey! congratulations to you! so exciting!

    please email chrissie at

    to claim your winnings!

